On Second Thoughts……

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You know, I’m a child of the 60s. That doesn’t mean I’m Che Guevara or Germaine Greer or even Mark Douglas-Hume. But during those years, my consciousness was raised about certain things; certain important things. And speaking of Mark Douglas Hume, I was also at the University of the Witwatersrand and flew about on the coat tails of people like him. I sat in for protest concerts and supported Peter Hain and rallied around Helen Suzman. Now that might sound all very pretentiously grand and make me out to be some kind of safe, middle-class banner-waver (It was scary, okay. I was snarled at by a savage police dog during a demonstration once and nearly wet myself). But it taught me that governments and so-called “authorities” can be and often are dead wrong. It also taught me about standing up for what I believe in and standing up and being counted and the value of the smallest – and even the least important – individual rights. And so, bravely cowering under a pseudonym, which I hope will kick in sometime shortly, I shall continue with Candy’Stripe.

4 responses »

  1. Anthony Gaughan

    Fight the powers that be!


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